We Can refactoring this code to achieve OCP
(Open close principle) and Single responsibility principle
// First
Add DbContextFactory class to return context
public class DbContextFactory
private readonly IDictionary<string, BaseContext> _context;
public DbContextFactory(IDictionary<string, BaseContext> context)
_context = context;
public BaseContext GetContext(string contextName)
return _context[contextName];
// Second
Add Configuration of DI of DbContextFactory
builder.Register(ctx =>
var allContext = new Dictionary<string, BaseContext>();
allContext.Add("DbOneContext", ctx.Resolve<DbOneContext>());
allContext.Add("DbTwoContext", ctx.Resolve<DbTwoContext>());
return new DbContextFactory(allContext);
and update BookRepository to consume DbContextFactory
public class BookRepository : IBookRepository
DbContextFactory _contexts;
public BookRepository(DbContextFactory contexts)
_contexts = contexts;
public void Add(Book entity, string contextName)
var context = _contexts.GetContext(contextName);
var addedEntity = context.Attach(entity);
addedEntity.State = EntityState.Added;
public void Update(Book entity, string contextName)
var context = _contexts.GetContext(contextName);
var updatedEntity = context.Entry(entity);
updatedEntity.State = EntityState.Modified;
public List<Book> Get(string contextName)
var context = _contexts.GetContext(contextName);
return context.Books.ToList();