Refactoring and Code smells
What is refactoring?
A change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its behavior
Why do it?
- To Keep Your Code Clean
- To Improve The Performance of The Application
- You Save Time and Money in The Future
- To Reduce the Technical Debt
- Your Code is Outdated
- Makes Bugs Easier to Be Found
- Improves the System Design
When Should you refactor?
1- After writing a unit test (TDD) Write a test, Make it run, and Change the code to make it right i.e. Refactor.
2- As part of fixing a bug
3-As part of a code review
When not to refactor?
1- Current Code doesn’t work
2- Deadline
“Other than when you are very close to a deadline, however, you should not put off refactoring because you haven’t got time. Experience with several projects has shown that a bout of refactoring results in increased productivity. Not having enough time usually is a sign that you need to do some refactoring.”
Martin Fowler
The refactoring process?
1- commit(or back up) current working code
2- verify existing behavior (ideally with automated tests)
3- Apply a Refactoring
4- Confirm original behavior has been preserved
What is Code smell?
is not a bug but it is a sign of bad construction of your program.
Classifications of code smell
Make codebase bigger than necessary,usually impact code slowly over time
Object-Orientation Abusers
Break polymorphism, create inappropriate tight coupling
Change Preventers
if you need to change something in one place in your code, you have to make many changes in other places too.
is something pointless and unneeded whose absence would make the code cleaner,provide little or no value,can be safely removed with little/no effort.
All the smells in this group contribute to excessive coupling between classes,
Tie unrelated part of the system together.
Confuse the reader ,hide intent,impede clear communication.
Statement code smells and refactorings
Smell: Primitive Obsession(Bloater)
Overuse of primitives, instead of better abstractions or data structures
What is problem with primitives ?
- Difficult to clarify the intent of the code . You don’t Know what 7 is mean and 4.
- They are very general you can pass any value.
Refactoring Statement Primitive Obsession
Introduce Named Variable
Use Named Arguments
Replace Primitive with constant
Replace Primitive with Enums
Smell: Vertical Separation(Obfuscator)
Define, assign, and use variables and functions near where they are used, Avoid forcing the reader to scroll.
Smell: Inconsistency(Obfuscator)
Be consistent in your naming, formatting, and usage patterns within your application.
Smell: Poor Names(Obfuscator)
Naming things has often been cited as one of the hardest problems in computer science. Use descriptive names and avoid encodings where possible.
Descriptive Names
Abstraction Level
In this example you expected that order get from file what if behavior change and order get from Database or anything else.
Follow Standards and conventions
Long Names for Long Scopes (And vice versa)
Avoid Encodings
Smell: Switch Statments(Object-Orientation Abuser)
switch statements, and complex if-else chains, may indicate a lack of proper use of object-oriented design.One switch in your codebase on particular value is probably fine,when you duplicate them that it’s a code smell
Smell: Duplicate Code(Disposable)
Duplication is the root of all software evil.Follow the Don’t Repeat yourself principle and avoid repetition in your code when possible.
Smell:Dead Code(Disposable)
Get rid of useless code that is never executed. it’s not adding’s only adding weight to the codebase it’s a distraction.bury it.
Smell: Hidden Temporal Coupling(coupler)
Certain operations must be called in a certain sequence, or the won’t work.
imagine you prepare pizza some steps you must to follow to make pizza like this.
you can use Template Method Design Pattern
Later will discuss method-code-smells and class-code-smells in another story ,I don’t like to make story too long.