I don't tell don't use an enum, in simple scenarios enum is cool, and you can use switch statement and pattern matching and fluent interface to help create clean code in the smart enum, you can read more about smart enum in this https://github.com/ardalis/SmartEnum, but enums are simple value-type flags that provide very minimal protection from invalid values and no behavior. They’re helpful in that they’re an improvement from magic numbers, but that’s about it. If you want to constrain the possible values a type might be, an enum can’t necessarily help you, since invalid types can still be provided.
Many developers don’t realize that you should check that the incoming value is an actual, valid value. That’s because any int will work.
Displaying enums in UI elements like DropDownLists is another challenge if they need to have spaces. In the example above, SalesRepresentative is fine as an enum label, but not great to present to the user. You can get around this using attributes, such as the System.ComponentModel.Description attribute, but really this is just putting lipstick on a pig. The larger issue is that enums don’t support behavior of any sort.
you can read this https://ardalis.com/enum-alternatives-in-c/