How to make dynamic PWA in angular and Core with a multi-tenant project to make brand to each tenant take project?
so HTTP://localhost:8080/EslhaerGroup is company and Http://localhost:8080/ElNourGroup is another company and so on I have many companies and want to make every company have own site that when user wants to add in home screen from a smartphone will display the icon and name and start URL based on the company he adds to the home screen
I work on core API and angular project, That every customer, can generate a site for his company so I want when a customer wants to install the angular app the logo while change and name of the app while change on the home screen, and we know that manifest.webmanifest or manifest.json file in angular is the static file can’t add js code to get company name or logo
There are two ways to make this first to use js to generate a manifest file and can change its base on the current company like this in index.html
this in the head of index.html in angular
but this way does not work for me and is not efficient to add company-images
another way is to add a manifest file in the cloud and pass the data you want to customize like start-URL or name and icon
and make API in the backend to take company name and return manifest file
like this
so now ELNourGroup has a site with a logo and name. and every company based on his name can have its own site with name and logo and start-Url.